To celebrate our TENTH Birthday, we have a brand new logo and here it is.

We wanted something to represent the connections we have between food, people, farms and the earth. Not an easy brief however co-op member Tim Moad has “come up with the goods”! Thank you very much to Tim for your time, patience and expertise in putting this together for us all. It is very much appreciated and WE LOVE IT! Especially when considering the meaning behind it.

The new logo mark represents the three core values of FIG as an entity; Trust, Food, and People. People are what hold FIG together, the green curve on the right representing this by nestling around the other values of trust in orange and purple in food.

All this became “more meaningful” listening to members recently when attending the farm visit. A number of you were heard to be referring to FIG as more than just the food, a long held opinion of mine as well, and the importance of the people and connections.

Expect to see this beautiful new logo on cards, a redesigned brochure, banners, aprons and t-shirts in the not too distant future. Some of these are already underway, thanks to another talented member, Steve Allison, who is in the uniform and work wear industry and has assisted in the past with our printed t-shirts and those wonderful tea towels which are still available at co-op.