You may notice 2 minor changes next time you order through the online store on this website.

No more payment method to select

There used to be 3 payment methods to choose from when placing an order. This was not very convenient for some members who were not sure how they would pay when they ordered. Now, we simply display this message to propose payment methods but you don’t need to select anything. We hope this will make the checkout faster and easier.

Example of a Checkout page with the new payment details

New order status

Until recently, when you placed an order through this website online store, the status was “On Hold” until you collected the order. From now on, the status will be “Processing” until the order is “Completed”.

This doesn’t change anything to the way you order. But it helps us internally to prepare for recurring orders which we hope to offer here soon.

List of orders with the new status circled.